In this little blog post:
❧ reflecting on this
❧ sorting bluesky boundaries, feeds, lists
❧ self boundaries with relationships & the ick feelings
❧ Hermit Leonie walks around in the city & takes 2 days to recover
❧ keyboard troubles & getting a new one with silent switches :0!!
❧ personal update & more!

In this blog post:
❧ about this little animation!
❧ on personal Crossy fanart next year
❧ Pokemon TCG Pocket
❧ not being good enough/impostor syndrome, mental health
❧ monthly newsletter, romance, personal update & more

In this blog post:
❧ the art ramble & subtitled timelapse!
❧ Super Eyepatch Wolf’s video on Social Anxiety Horror
❧ personal update, Nintendo direct/indies & more!

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ reflecting on 2023 & 2024 hopes!
❧ rejection sensitivity, needs, boundaries and communication issues

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ about this big Crossy Road update!
❧ thoughts on boundaries & saying no
❧ notes on making friends as an adult
❧ why autistic people ask so many questions versus getting defensive

In this blog post:
❧ the art & subtitled speedpaint!
❧ friendships are a disaster
❧ attachment, intimacy & friendship lessons
❧ first time watching Millennium Actress
❧ personal update & more!

In this blog post:
– all the 5 Crossy birthday speedpaints! Whoaaa
– Crossy Road Castle sticker book
– reflecting on fast food content & streaming
– AI generated work and ethics ramble
– personal health update

I ramble about:
– playing slow in story mode
– switch friend code for Splatoon 3 & reflecting on online boundaries,
– Splatoon 3 doodle,
– Deep Cut timelapse
– venting about the doctor & struggling with my iron deficiency :’)

I ramble about games I’m looking forward to! And I’m taking a break next week :’)

Sketchpost 14 / Figure studies, posting break times, notes on working hours, work modes, focus and cognitive biases, time management + LeonieUpdate in this post! [patron only]

Fanart / Sephiroth portraits, process steps + LeonieUpdate, communication vent, notes on time anxiety, daily schedule, existential life questions and more in this blog post!!

SuperLeonieMode 324 / Happy Love day with Kirby and me! LeonieUpdate, adjusting my blog posts (why and how) & patreon, reflecting on relationships, experiencing pain, guilt and loneliness as an autistic and interesting finds in this blog post!

Final public LeonieUpdate!
I’m back with updated plans to future blog posts, why I’m quitting my instagram + facebook page (huge page of social media sources too) and interesting finds on beauty standards, stage shows, games, online boundaries, parasocial relationships, cultural belonging, changes to blog posts & more in this long blog post!

Fanart / Week of Olivia from Animal Crossing + LeonieUpdate!
Personal update, Dinosaur LEGO set gift, reflecting about getting more active, The Game Awards, Disney news and more!

Illustration / My entry to SamsA’s DrawThisInYourStyleChallenge + little LeonieUpdate and ramble about platonic friendships!