Character design & illustration / Midnight the witch, process + LeonieUpdate!

LeonieArtRambles podcast 04 / Ikigai, outer & inner reasons for being and living.
How ikigai is not all about money or career, how I feel it applies to me and maybe my rambles help you reflect about yourself too 💜

SuperLeonieMode / Coffee and tea with Crossy Chicken and me [Crossy Road “At Home” update]! Also I reflect about being used to working from home.

Illustration / My entry to SamsA’s DrawThisInYourStyleChallenge + little LeonieUpdate and ramble about platonic friendships!

Fanart / Lots of Yuka from Animal Crossing + LeonieUpdate!

Illustration / Weird Self Portrait Day + LeonieUpdate, Halloween with Animal Crossing and more interesting finds!