In this blog post:
❧ about the art & speedpaint for summer chrimbus peeps!
❧ envy & internet finds
❧ personal update & 2025 goals

In this blog post:
❧ more animating & learning in Blender
❧ friendship ramble & internet finds
❧ I quit at Side Order’s final boss (spoiler vent)
❧ personal update & more

In this little blog post:
❧ reflecting on this
❧ Social media overthinking & second guessing if it’s mutual
❧ Side Order, personal, hearing & health update & more

In this little blog post:
❧ reflecting on the process of this piece
❧ objectification, body image comparison, shaming
❧ online history, oversharing, not settling, dark thoughts
❧ personal update & more!

In this blog post:
❧ the art ramble!
❧ reflecting on autistic feelings
❧ thoughts on the Nimona movie & not watching Kung Fu Panda 4
❧ reflecting on “authentic video content” & what do I do ahhh
❧ personal feelings & more!

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ reflecting on 2023 & 2024 hopes!
❧ rejection sensitivity, needs, boundaries and communication issues

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ about this big Crossy Road update!
❧ thoughts on boundaries & saying no
❧ notes on making friends as an adult
❧ why autistic people ask so many questions versus getting defensive

On her left

In this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled speedpaint!
❧ Live action Zelda movie??
❧ Hikikomori, autism & ego deaths
❧ finished Super Mario Bros Wonder!
❧ personal update & more!

In this blog post:
❧ the art & subtitled speedpaint!
❧ friendships are a disaster
❧ attachment, intimacy & friendship lessons
❧ first time watching Millennium Actress
❧ personal update & more!