In this blog post:
❧ the art & subtitled timelapse!
❧ bummed from metrics again
❧ let’s get superstitious! Predictions for the Year of the Dragon and personal update!

In this blog update:
– on doing little text blog updates like this
– social media and my discord ramble + another way to get blog & youtube updates is at my tiny discord server
– switching web hosts
– using Glaze against AI scraping by social media platforms
– personal updates

I ramble about:
– playing slow in story mode
– switch friend code for Splatoon 3 & reflecting on online boundaries,
– Splatoon 3 doodle,
– Deep Cut timelapse
– venting about the doctor & struggling with my iron deficiency :’)

Fanart / Week of Olivia from Animal Crossing + LeonieUpdate!
Personal update, Dinosaur LEGO set gift, reflecting about getting more active, The Game Awards, Disney news and more!