In this blog post:
❧ Blender learning & subtitled video!
❧ dealing with hundreds of mice droppings
❧ life without men movement
❧ poorer but goodbye debt
❧ personal update, reflection & more

In this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled timelapse!
❧ processing thoughts on the Barbie movie
❧ personal update

In this blog post:
– back to text commentary speedpaint
– commentary, youtube analytics & video making woes
– autism thoughts: masking, not looking autistic enough, scripting, “selective” mutism, burnouts, jobs/workplace accommodations, social faux pas, friendships & intimacy
– social media & personal update

SuperLeonieMode 324 / Happy Love day with Kirby and me! LeonieUpdate, adjusting my blog posts (why and how) & patreon, reflecting on relationships, experiencing pain, guilt and loneliness as an autistic and interesting finds in this blog post!