In this little blog post:
❧ reflecting on this
❧ sorting bluesky boundaries, feeds, lists
❧ self boundaries with relationships & the ick feelings
❧ Hermit Leonie walks around in the city & takes 2 days to recover
❧ keyboard troubles & getting a new one with silent switches :0!!
❧ personal update & more!

Also in this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled timelapse!
❧ social media, newsletters, avoiding metrics & parasocial things
❧ personal update & more

In this blog post:
❧ Blender learning & subtitled video!
❧ dealing with hundreds of mice droppings
❧ life without men movement
❧ poorer but goodbye debt
❧ personal update, reflection & more

In today’s Christmas blog post:
❧ learning about anime/shoujo topics
❧ managing body image insecurities
❧ unrequited love and loneliness
❧ saw Tokyo Godfathers for the 1st time
❧ personal update & more

In this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled speedpaint!
❧ making “content” as an artist on the internet
❧ 1st time Blade Runner 2049 movie thoughts
❧ personal update & more!

In this blog post:
– back to text commentary speedpaint
– commentary, youtube analytics & video making woes
– autism thoughts: masking, not looking autistic enough, scripting, “selective” mutism, burnouts, jobs/workplace accommodations, social faux pas, friendships & intimacy
– social media & personal update

In this blog post:
– thoughts on my Year of the Cat illustration & little bit on lunar new year
– numbered intimacy levels to gauge relationships and friendships
– managing my autism, inertia, uneven productivity, attention, drive, emotions and energy levels
– update/changes to my little Patreon
– personal update

Little blog ramble about this post, on Bayonetta 3, reflecting about “Everything Everywhere All at Once” & mugs ;D

I ramble about my sappy mixed feelings and expressing & interpreting them in this blog post.

When I can’t really express how I’m feeling through words, through my awkward body language and my deadpan facial expression :’)

And reflecting on my birthday (which was over a week ago!) Please keep it to this blog; I don’t want to mention it on social media.

SuperLeonieMode 324 / Happy Love day with Kirby and me! LeonieUpdate, adjusting my blog posts (why and how) & patreon, reflecting on relationships, experiencing pain, guilt and loneliness as an autistic and interesting finds in this blog post!

Illustration / My entry to SamsA’s DrawThisInYourStyleChallenge + little LeonieUpdate and ramble about platonic friendships!