In this blog post:
❧ the art ramble & subtitled timelapse!
❧ personal update, breast cancer risk assessment tool & more!

In this blog post:
❧ ramble a bit about the thoughts and process behind this!
❧ shall learn Blender another time
❧ the official Crossy Road Central discord
❧ reflecting on my anxiety with real time recordings/streaming

In this blog post:
❧ the art & subtitled timelapse!
❧ love day, anime industry, Across the Spiderverse thoughts
❧ personal update and more!

In this little blog post:
❧ the art & subtitled timelapse!
❧ about the update and kudos to HW artists & peeps!

In this little blog post:
❧ learning MagicaVoxel
❧ fear of Blender 3D
❧ struggling to cut out some social media

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ reflecting on 2023 & 2024 hopes!
❧ rejection sensitivity, needs, boundaries and communication issues

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ about this big Crossy Road update!
❧ thoughts on boundaries & saying no
❧ notes on making friends as an adult
❧ why autistic people ask so many questions versus getting defensive

In today’s Christmas blog post:
❧ learning about anime/shoujo topics
❧ managing body image insecurities
❧ unrequited love and loneliness
❧ saw Tokyo Godfathers for the 1st time
❧ personal update & more

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ learning more about Persistent Drive for Autonomy autism, unhelpful advice, invisible expectations, body language & eye contact
❧ watched Paprika for the first time
❧ my little Nintendo switch 2023 review and more!

A little dedicated blog ramble on Turkeys! And note on my Crossy marketing art and fanart.

Little blog ramble & subtitled art process video!

Little blog post & subtitled art process video!

In this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled speedpaint!
❧ belated update on my work shenanigans
❧ reflecting on autism continues (meltdowns, social patterns, ableism, stereotypes, abandonment, etc)
❧ personal update & more!

In this blog post:
❧ speedpaint & managing loneliness and isolation
❧ struggling with Glaze
❧ will streaming make it less lonely & overstimulating (sensory)?
❧ character designing the Moon Goddess
❧ curating how I do social media
❧ I finally got BlueSky?? And personal update & knee concerns!

Ah mooncake and tea 💛

In this blog post:
– speedpaint process and reflection
– life lessons: people coming/going, self rejection, disappointing people, self responsibility, communication, social media metrics & more
– personal update as I juggle more things and feel more stingy :’)