🍫 One of those days today :(
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Posted in Comics, LeonieYue, PersonalUpdate, Reflection, SuperLeonieMode
Tagged with autism, autismBoundaries, autismLife, autistic, autisticallySocial, autisticThings, behindInLife, Chicken56, chocolate, digestiveIssues, disappointed, disappointment, dissociation, emotionalEnergy, energy, EnergyConserving, EnergyDraining, EnergyImbalanceDynamics, energyLevels, frustration, hermitLife, homebodylife, indianFood, leonieyue, lifeLessons, lowEnergy, lowkeystress, ManagingEnergy, ManagingStress, mundane, noenergytochase, NotInControl, overstimulated, physiololgicalstress, processingFeelings, quiet, reflection, routine, sadness, sexismMisogyny, shutdown, sleep, SleepSchedule, socialEnergy, spicyFood, stress, structureAndRoutine, super listen mode, SuperLeonieMode
Wha happen
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