In this blog post:
❧ about this project & art timelapse
❧ my little art career as a rambly podcast + art slideshow!
❧ I’ll add cupcake photos with credit at the blog if people share any :0
❧ COVID protection zine
❧ About not going to Melbourne International Games Week & the industry

In this blog post:
❧ the art ramble!
❧ reflecting on autistic feelings
❧ thoughts on the Nimona movie & not watching Kung Fu Panda 4
❧ reflecting on “authentic video content” & what do I do ahhh
❧ personal feelings & more!

In this blog post:
❧ subtitled art process speedpaint video!
❧ reflecting on 2023 & 2024 hopes!
❧ rejection sensitivity, needs, boundaries and communication issues

In this little blog post:
❧ process rambling at my speedpaint!
❧ my first time watching Blade Runner (Final Cut 2007) + thoughts!
❧ reflecting & resting up from GCAP as an isolated, lonely homebody
❧ Patreon why?? And more!

My 4.5 minute LeonieWrites vlog, recap and reflecting a bit more at the blog.

In this blog post:
– my regular self worth and social media vent
– reflecting about Mountains, concept art and art direction
– managing my negative feelings, life & goals philosophy
– my knee injuries and update with the physio
– I’m going to GCAP 2023 (Australian game developer conference) this year & preparing myself mentally eep

Hey I’m back! I ramble about Splatoon 3, avoiding games week,
the Animal Crossing/Splatoon concert,
adjusting my posting schedule
and life stuff :’)

Illustration / Relaxing monstera plant for Lauren + LeonieUpdate, hanging out at the AGDAs & Parallels streams, keeping an emotional distance from the games industry, small talk as an autistic person, gacha games and Vtubers (need of boundaries) & other interesting finds!

I’m selective because trying my best to learn for every individual I meet can leave me too exhausted and burnt out to care anymore :’) This probably cuts me out from many potential bonding moments with kind company because I’m too aloof, tense, tired and socially overloaded 🙁

Rambling about energy and socialising.

Hey, I don’t have many extrovert friends but good ones are super pleasant, understanding, positive, entertaining and fun to be around! ♥

Leonie rambles about feelings of not being enough.

I have this at home, at work, on my phone cover and digital reminders too :’)

Leonie rambles about surviving open office environments + headphones and MIGW, PAXAus, GCAP.