In this blog post:
❧ the art ramble!
❧ trying not to spiral with anxiety and fear as an artist – relevancy, GenAI, social media is frustrating, twitter & not knowing what I’m doing
❧ reflecting on artist networking
❧ personal feelings, update & more!

Little personal blog post and ramble!

Creative brain started to float away
oh no my creative & energy levels!
Thoughts on context switching, struggle with focus & questioning art purpose.

It’s my second sketch prompt!
Also Leonie rambles about feelings, managing social media, not wanting to post some of her art to twitter, mental health, perfectionism, niches, uncertainty, constantly evolving boundaries and how few people seem to read her blog 🙁

There’s also a podcast version of this blog post!

Sketchpost 15 / DTIYS illustration timelapse, figure drawing and portraits + letting go of results, perfectionism & final interesting finds in this blog post [patron only]

Sketchbook 13 / Figure studies, doodles + ramble about dreams, prestige, hustle culture and purpose [patron only]

Leonie rambles!
I’ve come across so many reputable artists talking about keeping sketchbooks all the time. Filling them, doing deliberate practice, studying and learning at tremendous speeds. That you have to have a sketchbook with you at all times. Fill up X number of pages a day, week, month, year.

That you *should* do this and that if you want *this career*.

Leonie rambles deep into the topic of parasocial relationships with youtubers, streamers, as a person who posts art online and who watches lots of streams/videos, how things are weird/creepy with the social dynamic when boundaries are not established/respected and industry relationships online.

Y4M3 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

VectorBurpQuest 5: the ongoing slow journey!

Mighty Games Shenanigans: Beauty & the Beast Studies & Shooty Skies

Charming Keep Update Comic

The Past Month: Social Media Posts Recap (Extended)!

Rambling and experience on taking more Social Media Breaks

Life Lessons & Reminder Notes to Self this Month

SuperListenMode Twitter Account Afterword

LeonieTalks, what do I do?!

Getting lectured by my Doctor about being an Artist

Legend of Zelda Spoiler Ramble so far (not even close to finishing the game yet)!

Horizon Zero Dawn Spoiler Talk