Adriel & Rami’s Wedding Icons



VectorBurpQuest attempts

Some Commissions

Mighty Games Ladies Portraits
#nonoFomo WiDGET SuperListenMode comics

“Being Yourself” versus Defining who you are!

Leonie’s small blog island says hullo! (: More Leonie rambles about learning and arting 😉 > Edit Nov 2018: All the formatting for this blog post …

AUG2017: “Character Design! I want to learn ALL the things!!” // NZGDC & GCAP prep, QuestyQuest, CharmingRunes & ol’ CharmingKeep ★ Read more » » »

A bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics

Y4W4 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

On having the Courage and Patience to Learn, Create, Love & Do Good Anyway!

Mighty Games Shenanigans: Charming Runes Launch Comic

& Personal Lilo & Stitch Studies

The Past Month: Miraculously I went to Sydney for my first time because I’m a finalist for the MCV Pacific 2017 Women in Game Awards?!

Y4M3 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

VectorBurpQuest 5: the ongoing slow journey!

Mighty Games Shenanigans: Beauty & the Beast Studies & Shooty Skies

Charming Keep Update Comic

The Past Month: Social Media Posts Recap (Extended)!

Rambling and experience on taking more Social Media Breaks

Life Lessons & Reminder Notes to Self this Month

SuperListenMode Twitter Account Afterword

LeonieTalks, what do I do?!

Getting lectured by my Doctor about being an Artist

Legend of Zelda Spoiler Ramble so far (not even close to finishing the game yet)!

Horizon Zero Dawn Spoiler Talk

Y4M2 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

On my Blog’s existential Crisis 

& Notes to self about Life & Human Connection 

& Kicking Butt beyond Voxels & SuperListenMode!

VectorBurpQuest Learning Returns!!

This February’s Social Media Recap & Shenanigans! 

& Jennifer Scheurle’s Advocacy GDC Microtalk Art!

Whole bunch of SuperListenMode comics within

Y3M10 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Hermit Bear Leonie Fumbles with Inktober: experimental art!

Shooty Skies’s Retro Arcade Update (as I did the art)

& Nightmare Before Christmas Learning & Arting (since I did the Disney Crossy Road Nightmare Before Christmas update)

The Past Month: Contours & Rambling!

Whole bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within

Y3M10 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Learning Illustrator Continues! A bit!

Self Care and Compassion

The Past Month: got a cold & fever,

Crossy Road Dino Doodles since I did the art for the update &

being part of Contours2016 exhibition!

Rambling about my career :’)

Whole bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within

Y3M9 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Vector Art Learning Part 2!

Feeling of Lack/Internet Culture: working towards happiness VS happiness with what you have
(feeling insecure about SuperListenMode comics & social media sharing)

The Past Month: Newbie Unity UI learning!

Whole bunch of SuperLeonie comics within

Y3M7 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Shooty Skies illustrated comics

Leonie Learns a bit of Vector Art :0!

Embracing the Hunger

The Past Month: Whoa!