In this blog post:
❧ about this project & art timelapse
❧ my little art career as a rambly podcast + art slideshow!
❧ I’ll add cupcake photos with credit at the blog if people share any :0
❧ COVID protection zine
❧ About not going to Melbourne International Games Week & the industry

In this blog post:
– voice commentary/ mini podcast speedpaint on backpedaling & first impressions of Tears of the Kingdom
– on blog rambles, toxic stress & personal update

It’s my second sketch prompt!
Also Leonie rambles about feelings, managing social media, not wanting to post some of her art to twitter, mental health, perfectionism, niches, uncertainty, constantly evolving boundaries and how few people seem to read her blog 🙁

There’s also a podcast version of this blog post!

Final public LeonieUpdate!
I’m back with updated plans to future blog posts, why I’m quitting my instagram + facebook page (huge page of social media sources too) and interesting finds on beauty standards, stage shows, games, online boundaries, parasocial relationships, cultural belonging, changes to blog posts & more in this long blog post!

LeonieArtRambles podcast 04 / Ikigai, outer & inner reasons for being and living.
How ikigai is not all about money or career, how I feel it applies to me and maybe my rambles help you reflect about yourself too 💜

Sketchbook 11 / Learning to manage burnout, working hours & my learning journey so far [patron only]

Sketchbook / Calm gestures, figure drawing & portrait sketches + embracing that I am terrible and have much to learn at art 🖤

I ramble about artist block and motivation!

Sketchbook / Anatomy arm muscle studies part 2 + LeonieArtRambles podcast reflection!

Also reflecting on art learning, metrics and posting art.

Bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics!

Y3M7 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

A series of random topics: a Still Life question & the Games Industry!

Mighty Games Shenanigans: just being silly?

The Past Month: recap & internet drama & The Guardian Feature thoughts!

Y4W5 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook: It’s just SuperListenMode comics!!!

Changing Careers is Normal – Going with the flow and all about growing!

The Past Month of May: Recap & Thoughts on Regrets!

Whole bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within!

Y3M11&12 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Why do I art anymore? When everyone is incredible & standards are so high

Recalling poor Graphic Novel attempts; not for me right now
Wait; what do I want to keep doing? 

Questions on making art, inspiration, personal art evolution, what makes art worthwhile, what my art is about & how do you know when it’s done

2016 & 11 months at Mighty Games: From Home Hermit to Studio Hermit Artist haha 

List of notable 2016 “Personal Struggles & Things Learned” blog posts

Special Thanks to people & Personal Stuff to remember 

Artist Jealousy the Overview: Again? Leonie, why?

The Past 2 Months: Recovery from intense MIGW16, Play to Win Documentary, entertainment I saw and hopes for 2017!

Bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within!

2016 Melbourne International Games Week Edition: Photos and GCAP2016 BurpDoodles PDF

GCAP DAY ONE: Video & Mentions

GCAP DAY TWO: Video & Mentions

WIGLunch & Adventures: Videos & Mentions

PAXAus DAY ONE Video & Mentions

PAXAus: Nanojam 2.0 Panel Shenanigans: my 1st ever panel!

PAXAus DAY TWO Video & Mentions

PAXAus DAY THREE Video & Mentions

PAXAus: Character Concept Creation Panel

Summary & Reflection: Networking, Getting into the industry,

Reflecting on BurpDoodles & LeonieTalks + 

Heroes and Fans, Humility and Arrogance!

Whole bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within

Y3M9 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Vector Art Learning Part 2!

Feeling of Lack/Internet Culture: working towards happiness VS happiness with what you have
(feeling insecure about SuperListenMode comics & social media sharing)

The Past Month: Newbie Unity UI learning!