Y4M2 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

On my Blog’s existential Crisis 

& Notes to self about Life & Human Connection 

& Kicking Butt beyond Voxels & SuperListenMode!

VectorBurpQuest Learning Returns!!

This February’s Social Media Recap & Shenanigans! 

& Jennifer Scheurle’s Advocacy GDC Microtalk Art!

Whole bunch of SuperListenMode comics within

Y3M10 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Hermit Bear Leonie Fumbles with Inktober: experimental art!

Shooty Skies’s Retro Arcade Update (as I did the art)

& Nightmare Before Christmas Learning & Arting (since I did the Disney Crossy Road Nightmare Before Christmas update)

The Past Month: Contours & Rambling!

Whole bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within

Y3M10 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Learning Illustrator Continues! A bit!

Self Care and Compassion

The Past Month: got a cold & fever,

Crossy Road Dino Doodles since I did the art for the update &

being part of Contours2016 exhibition!

Rambling about my career :’)

Whole bunch of SuperLeonieMode comics within

Y3M9 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Vector Art Learning Part 2!

Feeling of Lack/Internet Culture: working towards happiness VS happiness with what you have
(feeling insecure about SuperListenMode comics & social media sharing)

The Past Month: Newbie Unity UI learning!

Whole bunch of SuperLeonie comics within

Y3M7 Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

Shooty Skies illustrated comics

Leonie Learns a bit of Vector Art :0!

Embracing the Hunger

The Past Month: Whoa!