Also in this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled timelapse about my pngtuber!
❧ testing out streaming?
❧ romantic fiction & other things
❧ critique & more how Cara works
❧ Crossy Road, Disney Crossy Road & Shooty Skies 2016 – 2018 compilation video
❧ finally got the courage to leave instagram & twitter
❧ personal, health update & more

In this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled timelapse!
❧ about my 3 chickens!
❧ catching up on more artist videos about genAI
❧ being more at Cara & Bluesky and less at twitter & instagram
❧ Cara thoughts and critique so far
❧ personal update, being sick, health update & more

In my blog post:
– about working on the art for this Crossy update
– speedpaint for this fanart
– recap on deviantart
– on twitter migration & social media juggling
– reflecting on AI art & the future

Character design & illustration / Midnight the witch, process + LeonieUpdate!

Illustration / Don’t mess with Paw Paw, process + LeonieUpdate about learning as a newbie, narcissists, toxic positivity, Mulan 2020 vent, interesting finds and more!

Character design + illustration / Carmen from Bowl of Mystery💛🧡 + LeonieUpdate!

= Process for my Mischievous Character & final designs
= little personal update, FaceYourArt challenge & thoughts on the Mean Girls Musical

Character design & illustration / Shalonda from Bowl Of Mystery💜 + LeonieUpdate!

= character design & illustration process for Shalonda
= on art making & random thoughts ;’D

Character design + illustration / Kelly from Bowl of Mystery 💪 + LeonieUpdate and art making reflection!

Character design + illustration / Ernestine from Bowl of Mystery + LeonieUpdate! 💙
★ Process for my Serious Character
★ social media reflection and burnt out on Animal Crossing
★ changing up my blog posts

Final illustration!

In this MondayLeonieUpdate:

— finished my Paw Paw character illustration from last week! 😀
— personal update: 2020 is a year of clarity! Also on narcissistic fathers & ramble on aspie shutdown and emotional withdrawal
— my birthday happened: reflecting on mortality, getting older, relationships & my career
— game thoughts on Crash 4, Min Min in Smash Ultimate, trailers and more
— Leonie’s Animal Crossing update + gaming shenanigans!

Character design / My Artstation Box of Mystery Challenge submission – my Leader character so far + MondayLeonieUpdate

— Leonie and the Box of Mystery challenge
— struggles & getting stuck with this challenge
— early stages in story, references, sketches and designing my leader character
— deciding to quit the deadline
— Personal update and ramble time
— Reflecting on the 7 signs of Autism in Ladies
— Games, Pokemon Presents and Last of Us Part 2 spoilers
— Leonie’s gaming shenanigans + Animal Crossing

= “You don’t have to fight alone” – revisiting my Knight of Hearts Character Design
= Inktober 2019 ends / Leonie’s Sketchbook
= Finally the StickyBones posable figures & Fly Rig I backed since 2016 are here
= Jesse Faden Portrait (Control Fanart)
= Leonie rambles about social media engagement, blog comments & Personal update

Mighty Serious/Mighty Games published T.E.A.M. in April and since I’m back from my posting break early this month, I am ready to show some of the art I did!

Reflecting on working on this project, art direction, crunching, art process, learning UI art, personal lessons, performance anxiety + concept art and vector portraits.