Birthday BurpDoodle for Lauren 2018

Birthday illustrated BurpDoodle for Lauren 2018

Combined Rilakkuma, Gudetama, durian, tea, colours, Lumi and herself all into a picture <3

Yes I love durian too, it’s wonderfully delicious to me ;P
If you think it stinks…well…I respect that.

Enjoy a wonderful special week and year ahead with your loved ones and friends Lauren!! ^o^ Thank you for being a shining inspiring light of generosity, kindness and love. And the occasional special, generous and sweet lunch catch ups!

Lots of love and hugs!! <3

I actually started and finished this during 27th/28th of May when I wasn’t feeling well [gloomy and in pain] to keep myself distracted.
So this was a gamble…I don’t know if she’ll look like this by October! It was hard as I didn’t know what to illustrate for her, felt stuck and paralysed.
After playing around, I stumbled onto making this. ;D

Hope she likes it ^o^’

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