In this blog post:
❧ art process & subtitled speedpaint!
❧ making “content” as an artist on the internet
❧ 1st time Blade Runner 2049 movie thoughts
❧ personal update & more!

Fanart / My entry to MageCandor’s DrawThisInYourStyle challenge + LeonieUpdate, on the NFT/Crypto Art discourse, letting go of perfectionism, modes & hyperfocus, tolerating boredom in a world of algorithms and more in this ramble post!

Sketchbook 12 / Muscle studies + juggling art as a career and as a hobby [patron only]

SuperLeonieMode / Carnival Pizza Time [CrossyRoadCastle Spooky Tower Update]!
LeonieUpdate and ramble about: cat vs dog people, how to lose friends and alienate yourself as an aspie and other interesting finds!

= “You don’t have to fight alone” – revisiting my Knight of Hearts Character Design
= Inktober 2019 ends / Leonie’s Sketchbook
= Finally the StickyBones posable figures & Fly Rig I backed since 2016 are here
= Jesse Faden Portrait (Control Fanart)
= Leonie rambles about social media engagement, blog comments & Personal update