HermitBurpcast#05 – “Breaking Apart, Falling where they may and Letting the Bus go” (When Art was a Hobby & Teaching was a Career Storytime Series) Part3of4

Welcome! I am Leonie Yue and this is the monthly HermitBurpcast.

These are real arbitrary questions from Year 11 Specialist Maths Exams. I don’t think I’m Nerd enough though. Phew; after much struggle with a new podcasting approach and tools it’s a shorter episode this month!

(1 hour and 5 minutes)

Show notes for Hermit Burpcast #5:

Blog Post for shownotes, hyperlinks and comments: (http://blog.leonieyue.com/2015/05/hermitburpcast005.html)

  • Thank you!
    • Questions/suggestions for future big topics for the Burpcast welcome!
Got Questions/Responses for the Burpcast?
Thanks so much for listening!
See you in two weeks for the next blog post! (: