In this little blog post:
❧ reflecting on this
❧ personal update, striving not to burn out & more!

In this little blog post:
❧ the art and ramble on the game!
❧ whelp I’m back to making vertical timelapses youtube shorts :’)
❧ personal update

In this blog post:
– speedpaint commentary video on feeling behind with productivity!
– the Year of the Rabbit horoscope
– movie rambles
– removing my art on Artstation
– figuring out my videos, workload and nobody wants to watch speedpaints of studies
– personal update

Leonie rambles about life and art learning again.
But this time it’s about the whole year, my tiny steps of progress and plateaued metrics.

The last post of 2021.

Sketchbook / Calm gestures, figure drawing & portrait sketches + embracing that I am terrible and have much to learn at art 🖤

I ramble about artist block and motivation!