StudyPost 19 / Fluffy pink frills, high heels and hair curls [costumed life drawing] + timelapses!

Studies 13.5 minute timelapse (of some of them)

A collection of studies from this drawing session!

Life drawing with Drawing Cabaret Couture via LightBoxExpo 2021! [life drawing model is Aisling Tara]

There might be some more though I’ll be taking my time (forever) doing them ;D

Well I tried with the shapes of colours as I struggle to get used to this :<

Probably one of my favourites!

It was so blurry on zoom so I made things up and it’s not that detailed either :’) I didn’t know that if there’s too much people showing webcameras/visuals on the call, it makes the resolution terrible :0

I like how these two turned out too!

This is essentially Leonie trying again and again and rolling with it :’)

I could not for the life of me figure out these frills so I didn’t bother

3 minute timelapse for the below illustration!

Oh for me?

Hey I figured I should put together my own take on this life drawing model :0

Still trying to juggle work, life, art, learning things, getting more sleep since I lack it and winging it :’)

Take care & thanks for coming by! Here we go another week of busyness and chaos ahhhh