Ghosty comic: “My planet needs me!!” & Leonie visits NGV International (A Fairy Tale In Red Times)

** This post is a 8 minute read! **

In this art & photo post:

Ghosty: “My planet needs me!”

When Ghosty is disappointed, hurt, sad, abandoned, lonely, dying a little inside or when someone tells a terrible joke – they do not worry for long!

They have places to be! Things to do! Good, kind people to be around (or on their own)! It will be okay! 😀

Hey meet my new little character, Ghosty! Representing how I often feel alien with hoomins, overlooked because I’m quiet or feeling like my soul is leaving my body whenever I’m drained and zoning out.

There you go! I did this a month or so ago. I summarised some of my old personal comics ;D

Sleepy bear Leonie visits NGV International

A month or so ago, I spent an afternoon at the gallery on a whim. I power napped a lot, seated on benches and seats throughout the day too – I’m easily exhausted and drained even by going out. I don’t depend on caffeine because I know I’ll crash and get tired again after a few hours – it’s just a temporary fix :’)

I don’t know why I get fatigued and sleepy after an hour or two when I’m doing something active but it’s how I’ve always been. I’ve accepted this better now. I feel that power naps help and energise me the most but I can’t always have time or space to do that and I can’t do that when I’m with somebody either. :<

But I managed to explore the NGV at my own slow pace ;D

So many dead leaves clogging up this fountain.

The seagulls don’t care though!

Solid Objectives – Idenburg Liu: Viewing China Collection

Colourful glass and intricate porcelain things!

I don’t know why the other leg has a webbed foot

A rectangular being with no face lazing about! That is my best interpretation.

Autumn leaves (1913) by John Singer Sargent

Impressionist landscape oil painting during his summer Europe vacations with friends. Seems pretty laid back and colourful while he was exploring landscapes. Those dresses would be so stuffy and uncomfortable in summer! And easily dirty too! D:

I learn later that they had servants that at least spent a day doing cycles of bleaching, blue dyes for white clothes, washing, scrubbing and rigorously maintaining such dresses. Oof that’s why!!

Designing Women exhibition

Frozen falls gown and headpiece (2019) by designer Iris van Herpen

Assuming the model can see through the headpiece/cloth wrapped around her head and face, it visually reminds me of intricate paper crafts that give the illusion of 3D forms. I wonder how it looks when it’s actually being worn and how these shapes distort and move along with the body while walking and whatnot.

How would you go to the restroom D:

Dress (2016) by designer Rei Kawakubo

I don’t know how this works but it’s interesting and I like the ribbon loops bunched up at the lower half of the dress! Huge ribbons attached from the top makes the upper body’s cluster of fabrics seem rough, tacked on and unfinished to me as a dress. But I’m not a designer so consider me ignorant :’)

What if you just sat on the floor in that dress and became a puddle?

Horse lamp!

Their head is lit up! I didn’t get the plaque for this one ;P I’m guessing it’s about “what if lamps were made for horses”?

Ouch as the lamp comes out of their skull D:

Necklaces from kangaroo teeth, gold and black crow feathers (2018) by Maree Clarke

Visually super pretty but my hugely practical mind thinks of how I don’t want to wear these and get them dirty when I eat D:

Then again, I’m not a jewelry person. I’m happy just appreciating when others wear them. I don’t bother wearing any as I don’t want to maintain or worry about them ;D Too much trouble and I’m laaazy.

Comfy seat for pregnant people?

I don’t know if this is actually comfortable but I keep imagining the four legs actually moving and trotting away haha

Would be fun if you sat on it and it traveled around for you :0

Dress (2011) by Iris van Herpen

Designed for Icelandic singer Björk’s 2012 tour. Technology combined with traditional handcraft resulted in these interesting forms, according to the plaque. For me, I think of spirals, gel cushions and donut looking huge buttons.

A Fairy Tale in Red Times: Works from the White Rabbit Collection from Sydney

The Album of Immortal Blossoms in an Everlasting Spring by Giuseppe Castiglione (2012) by Su Meng-Hung

Pretty floral imagery based on the Italian court painter representing prosperity composed as a skull, symbolising death and demise. There’s so much packed into this illustration :0

Square No. 6, 8, 9 (2014) by Zhang Dali

I appreciated this sad and defeated series of resin moulds of struggling rural migrant workers from Beijing. The plaque says they represent endurance and suffering in the face of state authority (based on the name of the piece, after Tiananmen Square). Perhaps the pigeons represent life and time moving on while their ghostly forms remain unchanged, hopeless but resilient.

It humbles me and inspires me to be grateful for what I have and to be resilient and patient with my own journey – however much I feel things are foggy, scary, hopeless, uncertain with my own career.

A Bunch of Happy Fantasies (2009) by Shi Yong

Upside down poem composed like an eerie reflection that is blaring and hard to look at for me. Was feeling pretty warm from the lights too! I had to quickly walk past after a while :’)

No I don’t know how to read Chinese, before you ask. Yes I am a fraud as a second generation Australian ;P

Republic of Jing Bang (Whale Nation): The Divine Landscape of Jing Bang (2013) by Sun Xun

It’s a fictional country situated on the back of a whale. That is all I know. I don’t know how people would survive and breathe on a whale that lives within the depths most of the time but hey, it’s a dream-like story!

Just Like the Way You Are (2011) by Lin Yen-Wei

Nostalgic oil paintings of old Taiwanese playground animal statues. They remind me of super waxy, rendered, creepy, digital paintings D: Somehow it reminded me of Jacob’s in game paintings in Paradigm ;D

Infinite Landscape video animation (2011) by Yang Yongliang

Modernisation contrasting with the traditional mountain and waterfall paintings. Super detailed and endless loop of moving cars and other forms of transport. There was a blimp that comes in too! So much detail and makes you reflect how hoomins negatively affect the earth as a species.

Constellations (2017) by Zhao Zhao out of silk & thread embroideries

Gunshots in glass represented by traditional Chinese craft. They were huge and still I struggled to see the individual stitches because of how photo-realistic they appeared. This isn’t a photo!!

Porcelain leaves

I imagine how it’s like to stomp on these like autumn leaves ;D I kid but I do wonder why it’s composed like this. The plaque doesn’t say. It’s a weird shape.

Density 1 to 6 (2013) by Liu Wei out of compressed books, steel and wood

These are bigger than human sized, heavy and definitely remind me of art fundamentals. This is a tremendous amount of books and paper, representing our world’s collection of knowledge and history.

The Ship of Time 2018 by Zhu Jinshi

Looks super textured, layered and flaky? I didn’t walk inside though! I didn’t feel comfortable haha

Ice skating in style ;0

And that was quite interesting. I was already exhausted and had to nap before exploring too.

I did see more things but I did not bother taking photos or process them ;P There were some weird things, video of exploding things for the dead and a mural with sexual themes too. I couldn’t afford nor was I interested in doing the paid exhibition with the terracotta warriors since I’m content exploring the new free stuff. Hey I got to be frugal ;P

It was generally an alright day that ended with a tired, dull headache from over-stimulation and loads of broken power naps (for me). Why am I like this. My neurodivergent brain doesn’t understand how people are so energised by constant outside and/or group activities. I just wanted solitary personal space to power nap every 2-4 hours to survive and function :’)

Personal update for the week!

I think I’m much better now from my horrible cold! Yay! Some sniffles and feeling less sluggish now. I just need to tone down on the comfort food eating :’)

I’m not super in the loop or active in the games community as an introverted, easily overwhelmed, low-energy, awkward, frugal, socially oblivious homebody who avoids most social things involving crowds, drinking and cliques. So I’ve been learning, listening and processing recent global and local games industry tweets/events and actually checked my twitter feed in the past week. Consequently I’ve been feeling glum, lost, disappointed, ignorant, disconnected, naive, socially inept, isolated and mixed.

I’m staying away from social media feeds again as it’s getting too much for me. Striving to focus on growth, listening, awareness, love, kindness and understanding.

I’ve also removed comments on the blog because they really feel redundant as peeps just seem to prefer other methods to respond. I guess I lied and changed my mind again :’) People can still reply directly to my email newsletter updates or through social media. Feel free to reach out (:

Anyhoo thanks for reading my one-off comic & about my little photo adventures! Take care of yourself, do good things and surround yourself with kind, wonderful friends (:

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