Self portrait experiments

* This is a 2 minute read! *

Made these portrait tests since making my avatar picture. I liked these enough to give them their own little post!

My favourite portrait; recharging Leonie! [RedBubble sticker]

Hello a fresh new week! Remember to slow down, breathe, stay calm and relax along the way! Protect and manage your energy levels.

Legend of Zelda hearts lifebar! And the battery is my mental/emotional energy! Super happy how this came out ;D Made my profile picture a RedBubble sticker too.

Super hard to chill sometimes because I tend to fluctuate between work mode and tired, lazy mode. That and I’m pretty much a cosy hermit :’)

First NewPixelsApp test: Me making a blank face

It’s super clunky to use this app and feels tedious reapplying the same stamp to the grid. I’m not used to it. It’s interesting and unique to work with limitations, experiment and make art with stamps and a pixel grid though. Creates surprises and unusual shapes. Still it feels like an experimental puzzle more than an art tool sometimes.

Love: another iteration & made myself larger!

It’s tricky to make representational art with the app as I’m not sure how to make more abstract designs with the provided stamps yet.

Definitely out of my comfort zone and I didn’t have anything I wanted to make when I started. Don’t know if I’ll go back to it ever again :’)

“SLOW DOWN” portrait, based on my 1st NewPixels test

Slow, steady patience in the face of setbacks and self doubt :’)

“Huh? What am I doing with my life?”

Leonie gets existential again. And she decides to let go of the character designer goal and walk the scary path of an illustrator and cartoonist for now.

Lots of Love and Kindness your way! 💛

Hee hee! Playing with pinks and yellows!

Playing around. I don’t even have a fringe as I can’t stand having hair in my face ;D

Which portraits are your favourites? And why? :0

My own tiny stickers to gift to kind peeps!

Not the same ones as the die-cut RedBubble stickers because these are small MOO stickers and what I could afford! I can’t afford the fancy, die-cut, waterproof, wear-proof and high quality ones from specialist sticker printers. But as usual I’m happy with how they turned out and it’s where I go when I need a small handful of tiny, good, affordable, range of stickers.

In other words, these MOO stickers do wear out and lose colour over time – it depends on how rough you are with it.

I’ll gift them to kind peeps if I ever go outside :’)

Anyhoo thanks for reading! Keeping posts more art focused like this one so I can spend more time making and learning art. Figuring out what kinds of art I want to post while juggling with learning! At this point I just need to express, manage and wash away my fears, negative things in my life and doubts through learning and arting! :’)

Thanks for reading this little post! Have a good week ahead & see you next time! ♥

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