Wishing you lots of happiness, luck, strength, love, good health, heartwarming feelings & prosperity during this Year of the Tiger! (Art for the day timelapse)

1.5 minute timelapse of me struggling with drawing tigers!

All the tigers!! Stay true, fierce and brave!

Sketch for the day: Celebrating the Year of the Tiger () with this deadpan, fed up expression ;D

This is another take on a tiger! Celebrating and facing the start of Lunar New Year!

I did this impromptu sketch because I wanted to! And I’m pretty much neutral, tired, stressed, anxious and existential behind my low energy, deadpan, no-nonsense, “whatever” face ;P

The “I’m so done with it” aura ;D

Somehow this tiger’s face is giving me yokozuna Terunofuji vibes! I hope Terunofuji gets better and recovers, especially his knees as he seemed to be limping from the last January tournament and facing his match losses :<

恭喜发财! (Wishing you lots of happiness and prosperity/riches or Cantonese gohng hei faht choy)!

And 新年快乐 (Wishing you a happy new year or sun lnin fai lohk)!

I think those are the ones I remember off the top of my head, the rest are more hazy because I don’t really practice or use my rusty speaking Cantonese too much and I can’t write/read either :’)

I’m not a language learning person as I’m not great at it. Especially when I don’t even use it.

I don’t think I remember much dedicated Chinese/Vietnamese new year food that I like. There’s probably some? Do normal social people and families just do Yum Cha? I don’t like the peanut, honey and black sesame candy as they’re super rock hard to eat (they taste good otherwise, I used to bare with them)!

Digressing! Here we go, another day, another week, another month and another year. Hope you didn’t have people suddenly firing off scary fireworks dangerously close like I have :<

Let’s take things slow and in stride! May you be safe and keep in great health (aw yeah, Sun Taei Gnin Hong)! 🧡