Ai Weiwei & Andy Warhol Exhibition at NGVMelbourne (BurpPhotos)
Leonie’s small blog island says hullo! (:
She treated me to a visit to this exhibition (plus lovely hugs and fanta) (:And I just wanted to put up a handful of the photos from today.
It’s not all of them and I don’t want this post getting too long haha
Let’s go ! Journal Time.
The Monster I created at Andy Warhol’s Photobooth
I didn’t know what I was doing; who is this?! :0
It prompted me to do silly things during the snaps so these clearly show how not-photogenic I am & unflattering haha
This happened at the Studio Cats section…it smelled like cats, the walls were cats, everything was cat themed but there were no real cats. Instead, just many happy kids with their families taking over.
Ai Weiwei & Andy Warhol Exhibition: Snippity Snap!
Oh vines don’t exist anymore so these don’t work:
Weiwei: the bicycle & flowers used to protest against his passport and freedom being taken away from him by the government (don’t recall when it happened). Different Flowers were placed each day under the eyes of surveillance cameras.
Weiwei’s film collage |
This is not all of the exhibition; it’s just the tip of the iceberg!
Photos, art, sculpture, film, interactive displays, documentaries, exhibits of books and many more. A lot of political, sad and heavy stuff was also involved and both artists’ struggles with politics.
And I didn’t expect a whole place dedicated to cat themed things (both artists owned lots of cats!) There were so many kids there so I didn’t stay/look around properly though.
The exhibition is SO huge; each time I thought it was the end, there was another walk to the next section!
I was pretty much braindead and super incapable of much conversation afterwards (and also because of the heat). So much information overload!
Thank youuu Lauren for treating me to come with your company (and J’s) as well! 😀
I’m just looking back at it now and it’s pretty eye opening and much things were learned. I couldn’t even register it all because there was so much (:
Thanks! Keep adventuuuring you!
Ok a short and sweet post! (:
Thanks for looking!