Y1W19 Your choices define you so make them count!

Leonie’s small blog island says hullo! (:
Choose your own adventuuure! (Oh I remember those books)
Let’s get to it.

Let’s go ! Journal Time.

Year 1, Week 19 (21st to 27th May)

  • Drawing practice, pd, Gestures: for gestures, been doing them on paper instead; not much different from the digital ones I showed a few weeks back so I didn’t bother transferring them digitally haha
  • Anatomy learning: heads heads heads…it’s becoming a chant! Oh dear! haha
  • Position: Vacant poster: had to resize/crop it to an A3 size version.
  • The A: new personal project in discussion
  • Fanart: I can explain! Next week that is.
  • Arm strain; eh breaks are keeping them at bay
  • Characters for the Week: ahhh terrible brain dumps
#29 to 30
#31 to 33 samey faces and wonky limbs
#34 to #40 went for imaginary heads
  • People Drawing/Derp Doodles: what. what what what am I doing.
Derp dog
Some sleeping and gender confusion going on
Her face was stolen one day
Red pen starting to look like blood
Ack her face…!
Train goers
New species called the train people. Meanwhile, I’m trying to use up my red pen.
There was this lady with a frown of disgust during the whole time I was drawing her (like a ninja)
I don’t know what that thing is
People busy going places
New Dance Routine!
Feel the power of the woman
I don’t know what’s she’s doing
My leg fell asleep!
Another back pose and more heads
Pondering on life choices
Muddled her face and did a face study instead…

Other Adventures: 

  • Games (watching): Minecraft hardcore, Lifeless Planet, Resident Evil 4, Transistor (I am still going to play it! Eventually.) Wolfenstein the New Order, Garry’s Mod shenanigans, TMNT, Gundam Wing
  • “The world is cruel, the world is wicked”: animation here in Australia is generally kind of dire for a long time now (arguably how it’s always been) compared to countries where it’s more established. And even in places like the US, UK and Canada it’s terribly difficult. I keep finding this reinforced through different people over the past years so seeing countless of incredible people, taking matters into their own hands and doing something cool for themselves is inspiring.

Reflection for the Week: Choice

What will make you happy? What’s most important to you?
What do you want to get out of life before you die? Are you taking steps towards this right now?
How are you prioritising life, friends, family, relationships, career, recreation and learning?
There’s saying that you will do it. And then there’s actually doing it.
What you say to others and to yourself…it may not necessarily mean your actions also follow suit.
Is there a limit you won’t cross? We all do. It concerns our comfort zone, responsibilities and values/principles. What would you say yes to without hesitation? What would you say no to?To be fair, I’ll answer these questions too without gut spilling like a diary entry.I am happy learning what I enjoy and tackling fun problems to solve – with what I’ve learned (that was one of the reasons why I considered my first career in the first place). But I am not content with how things are. This is what drives me. Eventually I aim to prove I can do this for a living within 10+ years or so enough to experience more of life outside my hermit walls. Admittedly I enjoy being a hermit as I gain energy that way but I try to get out once in while else it can be suffocating and I’ll definitely have no friends or fun outside drawing times. Part of my adventure!

I don’t want a huge house or any other material things as milestones. I don’t intend to start a family of my own either. I have my limits: personal, financial, social, friendships, art wise and so on; all of which are slowly expanding at different rates. I don’t bend to peer pressure as it’s still my choice in the end. I will say yes to things that are directly related to what I’m doing. Then there’s the maybe/no pile where I am not fully convinced of its relevance, whether I would enjoy the experience or whether it’s practical for me to go/do.

Our upbringings, values, habits, hobbies, circumstances, experiences, personalities and how we control/flow with life may differ but ultimately we all have choice in the face of things outside of our control.

We choose our own adventure.
So let’s make the most of it.

Position: Vacant screening times mixup at MIAF14!
I believed it was screening as part of the Student Showcase all along until today at the time of posting. It’s actually part of the Australian Showcase on Saturday 21st of June at 6pminstead plus a Meet the Filmmakers event as well. Bewildered I must say! How?! Need to change the graphics now.
Follow the link to see the full program for the session if you’re curious.

“When you’re too comfortable, you stop growing” – Tim Bono

But if you don’t watch it, you’d be overwhelmed with discomfort! A balancing act! I’m constantly overwhelmed with the “should do”s so it’s tricky to weed out what’s important sometimes especially when incredible artists around me are doing amazing things. Right now, what’s important to me is art learning – anatomy, drawing fundamentals, making sure I take breaks away from everything and just growing and learning as a person in general as always.
Journey so Far

Pretty much juggling and “what am I doing?!” vibes at this point! Especially upon recently hearing more negative vibes about the state of the creative industry (games and animation in particular but it goes for all creative, ambitious and new endeavours). It’s no surprise to me as it’s always been difficult (it’s not new news) but I still do feel saddened sometimes when I come across horror/unfortunate stories about hardworking and/or experienced people as well as the jaded, bitterness that happens sometimes while the industry keeps evolving and multiplying at an exciting rapid pace.Guess I am just focused on putting one foot in front of the other. Day after day as usual!

You keep going too!

Until next time so keep adventuuuring!Leonie