Illustration / Self portraits for my birthday today! πŸ°πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ πŸ’

Please take care & enjoy your weekend with something relaxing, wholesome, gentle, inspiring, nourishing and/or fun πŸ’™

I’m going to try too :’)

Hey it’s me and myself!

I did this illustration at the start of this year so I’m very much tired and want to move on from this piece haha

Using this birthday as an excuse to draw myself again ;P

Time for a new portrait picture?

I’m still attached to my green, sleepy, low energy profile picture so I don’t know if I should change it to this at all :S

Originally I had a sad pout but I had to make it encouraging and positive for myself. Let’s keep progressing onwards and keep doing our best!

Close up of little Leonie!

Hmm I was considering using this as a profile picture but it doesn’t work as a circle. Ah well! ;P I guess I’ll use green & yellow Leonie!

Whelp thanks for checking my little, silly post!

It was super lovely when a friend remembered and messaged me with birthday wishes with a nice catch up conversation, a few days ago! πŸ˜€

Otherwise most don’t/won’t know about my birthday anyway until I post about it, like I am now ;P It’s the same as facebook birthdays except here I’m choosing to remind people. I am glad I don’t use facebook anymore!!

Indeed I’m not sure if I enjoy having lots of shallow, brief interactions with a few handful of people who wouldn’t really talk to me otherwise. Perhaps that sounds empty and maybe that’s why most people don’t celebrate their own birthdays with or without parties anymore. But posting about it does provide an opportunity/excuse for people to acknowledge, connect and say something again (hey you remember me!) So that’s nice enough for hermit little me haha!

Feel free to say hello and perhaps talk a while (probably tomorrow or later where I’ll get back to you)! Email or discord (or comment below) preferably where we take our time, with no expectations or stress to reply immediately. (:

Stressing I’m not expecting much from people because social media is a huge mess and most people don’t see tweets/posts, let alone interact in general. I’m keeping my expectations low. I’m just celebrating my excuse to draw a self portrait instead to boost my little ego ;P

Since today has just started, I’ll update about my birthday thoughts in my upcoming Monday update ;D I had a depressing, mixed bag of a week again so I’ll talk more about it there instead of here :<

As I said, I’m going to be offline and delay responding until tomorrow-ish so I can have some quality home time, leftover pizza & maybe a movie for my birthday! I’ll try to relax (:

Digressing. Thank you for reading. Please undertake some self care with something nourishing, rest up and stay safe during the rest of your weekend! (:

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Thanks so much for your support & for reading! You help me keep going! Κ• βœΏΛ΅β€’α΄₯β€’Λ΅ Κ” β™‘

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7 Comments on “Illustration / Self portraits for my birthday today! πŸ°πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ πŸ’

  1. Happy Birthday, Leonie!!! I hope you get the rest and relaxation you need this weekend <3 <3 <3 <3

    • Hey thank you so much Charlie!!! (:
      Sending you positive energy for the week to come & I hope you’re getting lots of quality recovery time too ❀

  2. Happy Birthday Leonie! Thank you for being you! The world is a better place with you in it!