Inktober BurpDoodle: Pandoria & Zeke of Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Inktober BurpDoodle: Pandoria & Zeke of Xenoblade Chronicles 2

They’re Team Rocket to me together with Turters.

They’re only remaining characters I like along with Morag and maybe a few others I can’t recall ;P

Apparently the Torna DLC is much better than the main game. Still I feel pretty mixed to say the least about XC2 especially as a story, Nia, gacha system, the boring main lead Rex and its fanservice moments and character designs even now. Seeing Shulk and Fiora in this game as DLC is interesting/weird too. :S

I’m going to space out my Inktober BurpDoodles. Hope to push my comfort zone ;D

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