Gameboy Link πŸ’šπŸ’™β€οΈ

Another Splatoon 3 doodle featuring Frye ;D

Also I was attempting to finish the final difficult level of Alterna and failing gahhhhh

The first section of that level was terribly frustrating and hard. It took me 3 game sessions!! And then I had to keep getting used to the target shooting section, after the first checkpoint where I struggled with ink capacity vs being fast enough before I get forced off the rails. Took me 2 sessions. The third section was difficult but not as stressful if you stay focused on timing and bringing back lil’ fry buddy.

The last section is what I’m currently stuck on – the last phase especially because I get overwhelmed by CPU octolings. And my arms hurt with this whole After Alterna level as a whole!

I hope to get better and finish this at my slow pace. I can’t seem to do it in one sitting like the few people I know :<

Link in a gameboy color!

Highlighters, felt tip markers and felt pens :0

No I’m not doing inktober, linktober or drawtober after this piece, I’m just doing this as a one off ;D

Maybe I’ll do it again when it feels right for me in the future.

On boycotting Bayonetta 3, it’s more about building awareness

It’s terrible learning how how it seems like they just wanted to replace the actor for Bayo by offering such a low rate for the star role (update: okay turns out it was just for a cameo role). For business reasons? I’m probably not going to play this game (perhaps watch it if anyone is left to play it on the internet) and I have fanart sketches that I will no longer finish nor post. There are people who have preordered, have paid and are left conflicted.

Then again I feel like boycotting the game itself won’t do anything too substantial because there’s always going to be people buying it – it’s more about building awareness that this is a problem and is an industry wide one.

It’s a shame and I hope things work towards better pay and conditions for voice actors in general :<

Edit 18th Oct: so it turns out that the original actor for Bayo is problematic (and because trans rights is human rights) and in light of that I don’t really want to support her. Things did feel a bit off in her videos but all I had was a gut feeling and I gave the benefit of the doubt.

Regardless, the point still stands that better pay and standards are needed for the voice acting industry and I hope the fight for this can continue in other ways.

The drama around the game has somewhat soured things for me but I hope the game will be good :’)

Edit 19th Oct: Okay Bloomberg came out with their research and report with multiple sources, revealing that she was emotionally manipulating the truth / giving misinformation / lying / not showing the full picture in her videos. She actually declined the recast offer for minimum 5 sessions for $3000+ each – at least $15000 (she should be paid more than this for the lead role though). She demanded for a 6 figure sum forever residuals for her role when Bayonetta isn’t even a AAA game (plus Platinum Games needed Nintendo’s help to fund it to keep the games going). It is not a huge game franchise that can afford paying her that much and I don’t feel like she likes Bayonetta as a whole. She seems to be riding on making drama before the release date to bring Bayonetta down (and/or because of the Smash bros. success + use of her voice lines? How is she making up these numbers??)

I feel like things are messy and confusing. What do I know :<

Edit 25th Oct: Well poop. It’s confirmed that she was lying by omission and manipulating the situation to make it seem like she was the victim and how she should be the only actor who plays and signs off as Bayonetta :/ And it seems like she’s digging herself a bigger hole so I’ll stop here.

Things still need to be better for voice actors all the same and it’s frustrating that this drama overshadows that and Bayonetta.

I watched Everything Everywhere All at Once for the first time a few days ago.

It stuck with me and I need to watch it again to process and digest it a little bit more.

Warning this is all spoilers, it’s better if you watch this movie not knowing anything! Please watch it and don’t read further :0

So I’m just going to ramble for the record to myself:

Brilliant, thought provoking, overwhelming, jam packed with references, roller coaster of a movie with many meanings.

It touched upon to different degrees:

  • intergenerational/parental traumas, how immigrant families are (generational clashes and miscommunication) and the pressure from strict parenting,
  • cultural conflicts within one self (heritage/upbringing vs environment)
  • queerness and sexuality, the messiness of identity and whether and how you’d get accepted for that
  • existentialism, surrealism, absurdism,
  • optimistic vs pessimistic nihilism,
  • depression and the resulting hollowness, hopelessness, emptiness and losing all meaning to life,
  • parents not understanding their kids,
  • 24/7 digital culture,
  • feeling numb to everything,
  • how life is meaningless,
  • existential sadness,
  • longing for death, being tired of living, failing at life and thoughts of self harm/ending it,
  • how we deal with our own and handle others’ mental health – and struggle clumsily with that
  • the misery and pain of life,
  • disillusionment with humanity and choice,
  • randomness of life & infinite “what if” possibilities,
  • the desperation to save a marriage,
  • being inattentive, on having adhd (I personally do not have it),
  • staying and fighting with kindness and communicating to understand + embracing not knowing what’s going on,
  • defining your own meaning and purpose,
  • choosing what’s important to you & living in the moment with loved ones because everything else is chaos and demands your attention and time,
  • love, fear, acceptance and patience,
  • the need for a support system, to know you are not suffering alone and fighting against isolationism
  • failing at life, failed dreams
  • envy, resentment and getting lost in the “what ifs”
  • the different and many ways we cope with life
  • *being* in the present,
  • feeling absolutely insignificant,
  • what it means to be happy,
  • despair, regret,
  • lots of chinese cultural and martial art moments/homages,
  • seeing the good in people and how original IRS Waymond is an important role model in life and in romance and alphaverse Waymond is a jerk who is only focused in his mission
  • sometimes you do need someone who will stick by you through thick and thin to get you out of the darkness and the heartbreaking void
  • the power of empathy, compassion and how kindness is a strength
  • the joy that can be found/created in the little mundane things and sharing with those you care about,
  • being safe and supported to change your mind, get help, be vulnerable, make mistakes and do silly things,
  • accepting our flaws,
  • sharing the burden of living,
  • working through the messy, nuanced, grey areas and suffering with love and forgiveness
  • and how the internet and life are also everything all at once.

Did not expect cantonese in this movie either. Many who are not in the know did not notice that the grandfather was speaking in cantonese throughout the whole movie and his granddaughter, Joy was attempting to speak to him in broken mandarin – oof I felt that :’) Plus the family mixing mandarin with english when they communicate (or at least between Evelyn and Waymond) – I struggle to do that with my terrible cantonese!

Related to struggling to communicate in non English languages with relatives, the generational traumas and cultural conflicts. Joy only speaks in english with her family but can understand some of it too.

At times I had to look away because of the flashing or when I was overwhelmed with the randomness and many climaxes though. The starting IRS scenes did drag on for a bit. The movie was quite a wonderful ride!

Happy to see all of the incredible actors and filmmakers of this movie thriving!! (:

Meanwhile as a result I’m existential, feeling insignificant in this world and questioning my simple, isolated hermit life versus doing something “weird/exciting” to break out of the routine and life box I’ve put myself in.

I’ve tried weird or social things in my life and it never works nor sticks the way I expect it. It doesn’t last because I was only doing it for the novelty and brief experience. Which is fine! In rare cases I’ve met and grew distant with acquaintances and friends! My brain gets overstimulated and drained quick in the presence of social company and people who don’t know me well perceive this in a negative way or even take things personally. And I tend to take things as rejection too (Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria) + managing my trust issues so indeed we are all a mess :’)

My autistic/neurodivergent brain finds comfort in routine and the familiar. And I feel free when I don’t have to be self conscious on how socially acceptable I appear/act. Which means I do mostly solitary activities. My brain knows it doesn’t matter but my physical body and my feelings get all tense and stressed out :’) I don’t feel safe to be myself a lot of the time around most people. Because I’m just quiet and head empty when I don’t have much to say and/or I don’t know how or doubt whether I can even connect with someone. And being quiet makes others uncomfortable a lot of the time.

And also my interest is mostly about doing my own thing and if it’s anything out of my comfort zone and lifestyle, I need the interest *and* a kick in the butt from a trusted buddy and/or small group to do it together on a regular basis.

This movie reassured me that I’m not alone with my own existential emptiness, jadedness, loneliness, hurt/heartbreak, lack of emotional connection and feeling hopeless with my own life. My own emotions are muted and fluctuate around in the neutral range. I have both been lucky and have failed in many things in life. All I can do is make the most of the present and express the joy and the interests that I have left through learning, creating art and fanart and then hope for the best. It gives me hope that I can learn to do more of what Waymond does, in my own life – just enjoying the little and simple things in life with the people you care about.

Not that I know what that looks like in practice but I’ll keep it in mind.

And this movie is also: all these fears/actions don’t matter anyway so why not do what you really want? Or let go. Not stress and go with the flow. Nothing and everything is important. So every moment of time in your life is all you have.

And for some reason my youtube channel has a community tab even when I don’t even meet their “500-1000 subscriber” requirements. How did I get it?! Well I’m glad – I have another place for me to post ;D

Oh also after 7 or more years I finally got new mugs! My old mugs were slowly chipping away and I was concerned with the bottom of the cups cracking apart. My new mugs look super nice! I’m sad that it got some specks I can’t scrub off already :<