SuperListenMode 279: Rewatching Romantic Moments
SuperListenMode: Rewatching Romantic Moments
Yes I know many Romcoms and things of the romance genre are fake/fantastical, predictable and are full of terrible life and love lessons ;P
For me they’re usually movies/entertainment for some romantic warm fuzzies, escapism, wholesomeness and a degree of self projection so I try to space it out ;D There are also sad and heartfelt ones too.
And there’s entertainment where drama, thriller, mystery, slice of life and all sorts of genres are mashed together. That makes it more interesting and less about revolving around a forced/silly love triangle or hexagon or whatever.
So are there any good ones you’d recommend? :0
I’ve never experienced it but please enjoy Valentine’s day later this week, if that’s what you do (:
There’s times where I watch people in relationships talk honestly about themselves and it’s super endearing, wholesome, lovely and heartwarming. The best ones are like best friends, super compatible, fun, understanding and loving with each other and support each other. Super open in talking about their sex life, day to day nitpicks, financial troubles, children, family, health and the way they interact and are in sync with each other.
Sometimes couples don’t work out and they end up still hurting or remain as good friends instead. Life is full of embarrassing moments, breaking apart and/or putting yourself together again – hopefully stronger, wiser, better and with more understanding and clarity.
Makes me hopeful for a partner in life one day but I won’t count on it now; I have a lot of difficult growing up to do and I don’t feel like there’s room for a relationship yet where a mutual, intimate friendship/partnership can happen and grow. I don’t feel free and independent enough. Instead I need to directly deal with my personal situation, confidence, physical well-being and mental health in the next handful of years. Enjoy my life first. Embrace my social awkwardness.
With people, I’d rather people be kind, upfront and direct about seeing if we have a connection and getting to know each other better as friends or romantically – well if I ever get asked out romantically and seriously in my life. ;P Then I can say honestly respond then and there. And we can be understanding and see how things go.
My brain is not equipped, smart nor patient for mind reading, subtlety, indecision, hot/cold attitudes and games.
Happy to finally say that I’m not crushing on anyone at the moment. The hurt, rejection and resentment has been boiling for so long and it’s reached apathy and keeping my distance ;P I guess I’m tired of being friends with people I’m crushing on because I don’t really want a relationship right now, lots of projection is happening and they’re not really my friend in the first place. I’d rather not waste energy and pretend to be friends. Just do my own thing instead.
What is love like? 😛 So much faith in yourself and others at play!
Not that I’m good at showing affection or reading what people need to feel loved [let alone know what I need to feel loved] due to not having experience with relationships at all. But I’m super open talking about it all to learn, take it slow & do better together one day! :’)
Gosh who wants to date someone who hasn’t experienced enough to know what she wants yet? Hey many people with their ideal partner checklists apparently want people to have relationship experience so I guess that’s it for me! Checklists are great as a loose guide but people are flawed so I’m more about sharing values, our non negotiable, personal boundaries and being compatible ;P
Ultimately I do crave mutual attraction, companionship, compatibility and intimacy on a deep level with someone to fully open up, grow together, respect and relate with. I’d only date if I can see a reasonable future with somebody while staying true to my goals, interests and values.
Given that I live within my own world and I’m pretty much a homebody blob, I don’t know where to fit a relationship right now. Not sure I can manage one.
I’m still figuring out my own life, brain, self and friendships as it is. :’)
As usual, even though I might have feelings for somebody, I can’t see a future with them based on on sided feelings alone. And because I’m still working on myself, my lack of confidence and assertiveness leaves me forgotten and crushed.
Eh I’ll just eat my chocolate! <3