Inktober + Shooty Skies Retro Arcade Anarchy & Nightmare Before Christmas Doodles [OCT2016]

Leonie’s small blog island says hullo! (:

>> Edit Nov 2018: All the formatting for this blog post is broken since transferring from Blogspot; apologies.
As much as it’s going on right now, this blog post is not about Melbourne International Games Week! This is the usual monthly blog post! It shall have its own special blog post next Friday or so!I’m probably still trying to cope with the intense social stimulation hahaDon’t think people will have the time to read this mega post of art and monthly reflection anymore (knowing the numbers & that people prefer social media anyway) but hey, the reason why I still blog remains:

I’m rambling and reflecting all I like here to myself ;D

So if you’re still here, thank you so much ;___;

Let’s go ! Journal Time.


Sally Illustrations because I wanted to! ❤


Year 3, Month 10 (October)


Leonie Yue’s Sketchbook

SuperListenMode: Creative Stump
Ah the learning journey :’)
SuperListenMode: True Neutral
Well the difference is my inner self talk, feelings and mood :0
And it’s episode 50 excluding the specials.
SuperListenMode: Awkward Artist’s Poem
Moments like these are rare, whether it’s from hugs, just a wave of the hand, a short & meaningful conversation, a thoughtful comment, a considerate gesture, a direct invitation, the knowledge that your existence matters to someone…feelings, actions and experiences to cherish.And here draws a close for SuperListenMode as a regular twice a week thing. It’ll be a weekly and/or spontaneous thing from here.
I’ll leave it as a weekly thing now. At the least. :0

Perhaps they’ll be special extra ones.

But so far (since it’s 50+ episodes):
Thanks so much for coming along with my little comic making adventures. I shared real personal things and insecurities with you and likewise you shared your thoughts too. Learned from you lots and not to mention that I was afraid to post some of these! And there was one where I didn’t post at social media at all – I did leave it at this blog though .___.

It has been a wonderful time expressing new experiences, thoughts and lessons.

It has been a wonderful time expressing new experiences, thoughts and lessons!

Admittedly, sometimes I just want to curl up and stop doing these. Because over time, feedback has varied from silently skimming/lurking to people commenting to relate to it – if I’m lucky – as with *any* internet post!

Someday I’ll have the thick skin to not care at all (because rationally/logically, it really doesn’t!) but for now, I’ll pretend and do what I can haha

At this moment, I’m still keen to express myself in personal comic form anyhow 😉

See you around kind soul (:

SuperListenMode: Wrah 😉
Ok there’s other things too but it’s everyday normal life stuff :0
Embracing being a boring person ;D
SuperListenMode: Things will be ok.

BirthdayBurpDoodle for Lauren Clinnick✨
I barely make time for social things and am a quiet hermit butt who is bad at conversations. Consequently, I don’t have many friends.
All the same, you gave me many tremendous pushes, believed in me when I was too afraid to try and encouraged me to feel at home as myself.  ;____;
Without your support, I would still be struggling & floundering about my own life choices and not feel like I belong anywhere .___.
Anyhoo, your presence gives me the warm fuzzies, online or off! ^_^
I don’t know what else to say so I’ll just flail with gratitude haha
Thank you for being a wonderful and supportive friend of strength, understanding and love.
Wishing her and everyone reading this, to have a splendid week ahead full of hugs, positivity & power! ^o^
I’m sharing this here too because I appreciate your social media company! And your encouraging likes and most importantly, your engaging comments – I don’t socialise much as it is! ^_^
I doodled this because I used to thank everyone individually but now I can’t on Twitter all the time as I’m avoiding #SocialMediaOverwhelm
I need to draw the line now because I find myself repeating & copying & pasting the same thanks each time, one person thought I was a bot, others just don’t interact with me (understandable), or unfollow me because I don’t follow back and me tweeting the same gratitude message is time consuming too & borders on being spammy.
Perhaps I’ll thank people for following for now but we’ll see :0
But I digress! Thank you for your company! ^o^
Deepest Appreciation!




Hermit Bear Leonie Jostles Vector Art 4: the slow burn!

I planned to do it even though I didn’t start from Day 1 of Inktober. I know eventually I’ll get my butt going at my own pace. But it’s scary to do traditional art with tools I have yet to experiment with so I started with my comfort zone:the biro/ball point pen ^o^

Inktober: Super Peachy
I saw an anime girl on the train! :0
Definitely stood out from everyone else in their business/casual clothes! She wore a beanie full of anime badges and was practicing Japanese neatly with her mechanical pencil. A lot of this is from memory and terrible initial scribbles.
On Inktober: I am terrible at this and everything in general so bear with me as I play and struggle with traditional materials .__.
Making it up as I go so goodbye…!!
Let’s see how this rabbit hole goes!

I’m living on the edge haha ;DApologies for your eyeballs!

Grooving to the patter of the rain
I saw her on another train platform under the cold rain one day for ~8 seconds :0
Gah this is hard with time constraints D:
Don’t think I’m used to this yet :S
This is definitely a challenge for me to just play and get out of my comfort zone.
Vidya games with Clara
I’m getting all the colours wrong nuuuu!
My tablet camera is ehhhh but I am too intimidated to get a proper camera :S
And my scanner is inconvenient .___.
I’m so happy she likes this! ^-^

Magical Kindness & Vidya games with Matt

And here we are :’) With Doodle Find.
This was my 2nd attempt; y u so difficult Matt! :<
Hehe no it’s just me, I’m terrible and rusty .__.
PS: He is such a wonderful person ^o^
 Flowers we left for our Mother today

Quitting yahoo & sticking with gmail
After over a decade, finally bothered to leave it – goodbye yahoo!
So heads up my main email is definitely gmail ^o^
PS: Slowly learning & falling in love with the Pentel Brush pen
Majestic Bread Birb
It hangs out in my yard, sometimes with 2 other magpies.
On Friday, it was gobbling up a huge chunk of a bread roll on the roof :O
On Saturday, it flashed its butt at me from the fence haha
It’s HUGE!! :0
 Creative Turbo mode with Matt Hall
Take 3!
Or what happens when you’re a perfectionist with everything you doodle >.<
And the fact that this glossy paper makes the ink pale over time…nuuu!
Coffee Time with Inspiring Art Buddy Scott/@cronobreak 😀
Thanks for bearing with my boring, awkward quietness >.<
Dominating Universes with Art Buddy Ryan
Thanks for the kind encouragement boosts and thumbs up!! 😀
Feeling understood & welcome chatting with Panda Ben
Thank you so much; it really means a lot!
Since I’m drawing him as a Panda, it’s only fair if I’m in Hermit Bear Leonie Form ;D
 Dinosaurs, Bravery & Art with Art Buddy Kristy
Thanks so much for being there for me and being such an inspiring, generous, supportive and understanding friend 😀
Check out her game in development here currently called Flashcard Clash!

 BirthdayBurpDoodle: Diverse Stories & Strength with Art Buddy Kim
Thanks for the super understanding encouragement boosts and support! You are doing amazing! 😀
 Curly Locks and a Random Leg
“What am I doing anymore” moment
 Wavy Hands to comb my Wavy Hair

Chroma Time
Textas bleeding everywhere on the paper nuuu D:
 Hey Handsome, it’s okay – I’m here
I’m finally not being precious and am trying expensive brush pens & copic markers like a newbie. I…am falling in love with them.
How did it take me this long to use them?!
Okay, it’s because I’m poor, replacement traditional stuff is pricey, I don’t know what I’m doing & am afraid of wasting it if I use it at all but ahhhh lovelovelove them because they’re so fun to use ❤️
So send me your love again
Was watching some old Kimbra music videos 😉
Just having some simple fun ;D
“I don’t have any friends!!” :'(
Uhh what do you do D:
Let’s make a quick getaway

Uhh stick figures are normal right?

Popular, entertaining & charismatic creative peeps

Uhh I’ll just back away over here haha

How I’m going to survive MIGW

Actually what I do with any social thing D:
Mostly quietly hide amidst the rare “being bold” moments.
This is accurate based on past ones.
I guess this is goodbye

“That could have been better.”

Terrible Self Portraits
Homemade Congee time ❤
Not feeling that great lately so quiet nom times today!
 Turtleneck Twins

 Little Light Spirit

  I should probably dress up more
But then it’s too much laundry to juggle with; I’ll try or something D:
  “I’m still here with you.”

 Within your own world, within your own mind
I think too much probably and forget my surroundings
Commissioned Inktober BurpDoodle of Emma Siu!
Game Developer & Community Manager ^o^
Managed to fit this commission in at short notice because hey…inktober haha
She made sure she that gets a BurpDoodle early on during #MIGW
She’s smart ;D
I hope she likes it!
Now I need to give her the original/traditional art to her :0

80’s Retro Arcade Anarchy Update for Shooty Skies: Concept Art & Studies!
Worked together with Ryan (environment art, implementation and gameplay) and Tim (game design & writer) on this update!

And I got the opportunity to visually design and explore character and enemies for the October Shooty Skies update! And then I made them in voxels!

Aw yeah – all the learning!

I didn’t *have* to do any of this messy concept art but I tried this because I felt it would help me learn and explore fun ideas without fumbling around with voxels.

Especially how I wasn’t an 70’s/80’s kid so I had to depend on everyone else on the references. I also researched the games of that couple of decades :0

 Character Designing the ideas!
DuckyHunt & Agent Hunter didn’t make it though.
You could see the earlier names we had haha
 Tron Studies, Character & Ship Designing
Not that I’ll be able to depict the Tron patterns in voxels haha
 Enemy Designing
Nostalgia town for the 80’s :0
 Pinball Boss/Full Tilt Boss Designs
Can you tell I had fun? Yeah ^o^
 Creating my own 80’s Arcade Machines & Studies
You could argue that this was unnecessary but I had too much fun. I was originally scared of drawing these things D:
 80’s Studies & Character Doodles & more Designs
The clothes people wore are crazy colours and their hairdos!! WHOA it’s amazing!
Exploring the Mighty Arcade Machine, Icons & World Tile
Kudos given to Scott/cronobreak & Ryan/mulletdulla 😀
It’s hard when there’s so many colours to wrestle with!
Extra Cute Critters I created; 
maybe Mighty will adopt them into something one day :0
There were too many characters already so these are my personal ones haha
I picked out my favourites and drew them again
…at least I think they’re cute! <3

And if you want to see this update in the game; well play it!

Disclaimer that it’s free but it has ads and bonuses to help support the developers (I’m a tiny fraction of that)! 😀

Yay the update is finally out there!

Nightmare Before Christmas: Studies & Arting!
Do note that these are just personal studies and fanart illustrations of my own.

I just went really into learning about & doodling the awesome character designs. I did these to help me create voxel character & environment art for the Nightmare Before Christmas World in Disney Crossy Road. 

I do not claim this movie as my intellectual property.

Old Pumpkin King/Nightmare Before Christmas
Vector practice from several months ago for a Halloween picture
Carols with Skellington Snowman

Pumpkin King of Halloween itself
Jack and the Poor Easter Bunny
Mr Edward Hyde – is so cool 😀
Zero the cute dog with the pumpkin nose 😀
Who can still pick up physical things at will
Creature Under the Stairs, the Devil, the Cyclops
Sally is my favourite character in this movie 😀
Quiet, kind, resourceful, not wanting to be controlled
Film Sally Studies
Coloured Sally Doodles & drawing her singing her song
Yes she is my favourite character from this movie if you couldn’t tell already ;P
The Mayor, Angry Santa, The Mummy Boy, Dr Finkelstein, One Armed Bandit
Vampire Teddy, The Clown with the Tearaway Face, Igor, Jewel Finkelstein, Undersea Gal, Vampires!
More Vampires, Winged Demon Kid, Penguin, Merry Go Round animals, the Wolfman, Elf singing carols, Mayor’s Mobile, Bats, Rocking Horse, the Snowman
I love these two witches; especially Zeldaborne! 😀
The lady on the right is Helgamine!
Look at Zeldaborne! What a nasty witch haha
She is so cute, short, and resourceful with the book and stool! (Speaking as a short person haha)
The Accordion Player and Behemoth 😀
The evil sadistic jerks; all the same very well designed
Ignored and alone
Here, this is for you.
(disappears and hides)
I think this is what I do too sometimes haha
I’m sure I’m not alone in relating to Sally (:
Doodling Sally in Illustrator

It was fun and challenging to tackle arting almost all of the characters. YAY! 😀

Cool chararacters I didn’t mind drawing again
I drew more because I was planning something but I changed my mind :<
When everything’s centred around Jack 
and yet you still relate to his creative frustrations.
 The Art Style of some Marketing Posters is so cool
Sally Doodles 😀
Scribbly Sally Doodles
Is it obvious that I like to draw Sally too much haha

Phew that’s all! These were created as a by-product of what I worked on (and it’s not everything). I did these for the sake of learning and fun (:

The past month: All the jumble!
So this is just a messy copy pasted summary of what happened the past month…

Social interaction Trainer game
This is what Ken showed me and I half/half relate because of the countless times I wonder back on my own social interactions and ask the “what if” questions. Eye contact definitely is a major part of social interaction. And I have little practice at this social thing :<

Looking at the original game, it’s really quirky, amusing and silly! It sets up social interactions as failures, wholly on just how you make eye contact. Or whether you did any eye contact. And where you were looking. Noting that your character is a straight male trying to get intimate with a lady. And I’m not but hey, that’s what role playing is for.

I relate to the part of wondering about “what ifs”. Whether I’m not giving enough or too much eye contact or in a conversation D: All the potential connections I could have had if I had expressed that effectively without looking too aloof or intense.

But as the developer stressed, you can’t take it seriously.
Just do what you can and get better at it :<

Contours16 Exhibition Opening Night


Originally I didn’t plan to go to the Opening Night for #Contours16 so I’m in my old parka & being awkward & embarrassed D:

Thanks for saying hullo, even though I was there only an hour!
Feeling grateful, embarrassed, weird, happy & disbelief! ^o^

Thanks Scott/@cronobreak & Ngoc/@ngoctmvu for the photos! 😀
I didn’t plan to be under camera though haha
It was sort of…oh…should I take a photo with it? O-okay! ^-^;

More info on the exhibition:

Oh I was taking video of other things instead of socialising hoho
(I’ve given up getting worried about not socialising “enough).
And I’ve edited a shaky video – oh noes!

Do turn on the captions I made because I had to talk fast to catch up to my fast footage haha!

My LeonieTalks Video on Contours as follows:

Olly Moss Overwatch Mei Print
She’s perfectly adorable!! Ahhhh! <3
His colourful and masterful ways of illustration is inspiring
(and those Pottermore prints & Harry Potter covers!! I can’t afford or have space for those!)

ARGH I give up! Why is it still 100% CPU?!

After looking at the expensive Surface Pro 4 (looking at artist reviews, videos, and comparing it to the iPad Pro + Apple Pencil combo – I want this more someday), I realised that it’s not worth it when I won’t really use it beyond the PAXAus panels. Plus the next Surface generation is coming next year with the wacom tech returning and there’s a lot of other issues with it. One needs to buy a lot of other costly accessories to make it worthwhile.

So I looked back at my old laptop. I was stressing out for a day and a half on resuscitating it for the last time (giving it a chance) by formatting it completely to its factory state. Right after that, it felt like it’s finally working at a good speed!

So I started getting an anti-virus program (I got informed after that I should have just gotten Microsoft Security Essentials and that’s it), got windows update running, set up drivers…and at the second round of windows updates it returned to running at its slowest again at 100% CPU. I didn’t even get to do anything performance heavy with the laptop and the fan was going crazy already! Plus the update stayed at 0% downloaded for ages and then stumped at 24% for the whole afternoon…

My patience ran thin and yes it’s too much trouble and time just to get something that has become incredibly slow over the years to work. I’ll recycle it eventually. Need to format it again too.

RIP my old laptop friend.
You were the first ever computer I purchased with my own money and we did a lot together. You were a great workhorse for a long time. Thank you for holding out for so long!

For now my bro is actually willing to begrudgingly lend me his laptop for PAXAus so I can’t break it or he’ll get me haha ;D
Figuring out alternatives to Photoshop at the moment.

And there’s a kind person who’s willing to see if he could rescue it! :0!!

AH LIFE: rambling about “being positive”
As someone who is naturally neutral but gets influenced by the people around her…
(hey we all have to carefully pick who we hang around with…I do have a family member that’s out of my control though but that’s not the point)

When people insist on being positive, for me (and many people) it’s not pretending that uncomfortable and bad things aren’t there and not deal with it.

It’s really a balance of knowing that everyone also has bad and good things happen to them all the time. It’s not just you.

In order to stay positive is to face both good and bad (and the mundane).
Get back up when you fail and make mistakes, learn from it, change it up and figure out what to do next. Be brave to not let the failure, fears and rejection stop you from doing what you do. It’s not easy because sometimes you’re just fed up with everything – so it’s a struggle so make sure you have like minded friends and respected peeps to set you back on course and support you!

That’s what “being positive” means to me.

But what do I know.

Thanks! Keep adventuuuring you!

That’s all for now for October! I’ll update Melbourne International Games Week in it’s own post in the next coming week…there’s lots in this post already!

I’m already sorta dead tired and zombie like anyway right now D:

See you in in a week or two in the bonus post! (:
